HDMI Video Wall Matrix
5 products
4x4 Seamless 4K HDMI Video Wall Matrix
4x4 4K HDMI Video Wall Matrix with Seamless Switching. TCP/IP and RS232 Control. [MX4K44H-VW]
£1,269.00ex VAT
8x8 Seamless 4K HDMI Video Wall Matrix
8x8 4K HDMI Video Wall Matrix with Seamless Switching. TCP/IP and RS232 Control. [MX4K88H-VW]
£1,580.00ex VAT
HD Video over IP Controller
Control unit with remote access to manage and preview complex EX4K-VIP video over IP networks [EX4K-VIP-CX]
£150.00ex VAT
HD Video over IP Decoder with KVM
Use one or more of these Video Over IP decoders to receive from one or multiple EX4K-VIP-RT encoders on an IP network [EX4K-VIP-RX]
£135.00ex VAT
HD Video over IP Encoder with KVM
Use one or more of these Video Over IP Encoders to support one or multiple EX4K-VIP-RX decoders on an IP network [EX4K-VIP-TX]
£150.00ex VAT